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Monday, April 5, 2010

What is going on in my fiber world?

The weather was nice this weekend so I took the wheel out onto the deck and did a little spinning. I figured I better spin some of the stuff I got last year at Sheep and Wool before this years Sheep and Wool.
It was nice to hang out outside and do my hobbies.
I did do something new, I took a wood turning class. This is the Spindle I made in the class. It was a lot of fun and I think I am going to try and stay with it.

Not bad for my first try.
As for St. Patrick he is coming along. The front and back are finished and I am almost done the sleeves. I have decided nothing else will be worked on till I am done this sweater!
I have not posted because not much has been going on :-) I have been working a lot on my sweater St. Patrick but it still is not done. I have not had a whole lot of time lately to knit. But I am trying to make more time as the weather is getting better.