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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Helllllooo Helllooo Helllooooo Echo Echo Echo

Yeah...summer tends to kill the knitting buzz. And now it's Faire season! Yay! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer. Let's try and get back on track. For me personally my dancing is taking up so much time it is hard to squeeze in knitting time. So now more than ever I need that set calendar of you will definitely get knitting time on these days. So for now lets plan to get back on the second Wednesday and last Wednesday. I will send a email to everyone to see who wants to host. As always I have no problems with hosting. But don't want to hog all the fun :-). So...


September 12th
September 26th

If you got my e-mail with the update from the ships project you know that October is when they really start needing the warm knitted items. Lets really try to get a few things together to send off in October. I must confess the 10 hats didn't happen! I got two. But will push to have more done for October mailing. A e-mail is also coming regarding a Knit Wits at the faire. I think it would be a great idea to let people know what we are doing and possibly recruit new knitters.

Stay Tuned for more!

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