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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lady El is coming along

This is the first decent shot I have been able to get of her in a while the colors just never come out right but this is pretty close to accurate.
I am just getting ready to start the 5th skein and she is about 32" long.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Black Sheeps Lady Eleanor

For those of you not on Ravelry I have been baaahhhhhdddd!
I couldn't help but to cast on Lady Eleanor. I am actually a bit further along than this. About two more rows. I am just finishing up my first skein and she is about 8" long. This pattern is SSOOO easy. Yes I said EASY. The Noro does most of the work for you changing colors and creating beautiful patterns. I will try and post better pics in the next day or so.

I was inspired by Kate's Lady Eleanor. Many of you may remember drooling over this beauty as Kate worked on it at the Knit Wits Holiday party. Well here she is finished. Great job Kate!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tree Skirt Update

So The tree skirt is coming along. I have decided to commit to doing 1 segment a week. There are a total of 11 segments and then the trim. So tonight I will have segment 2 finished. This way I have a action plan. True it does not need to be finished till next Christmas but I would rather try and get it finished. Id feel better knowing it is done in plenty of time.

You can start to see how it shapes with the short rows.
By the way...this pattern is the Aran Tree Skirt in the book handknit Holidays.

Friday, March 7, 2008

3/5/08 Knit Wits gathering

A picture of Barb. Ok Barb was behind the camera but you can see her in this beautiful piece of work. It is a shawl out of Noro Kureyon. I won't say who its for in case she reads the blog. I can say they are very lucky though because this is going to be amazing :-) Keep us posted as this gets bigger Barb.
Stacy working hard on a sock.

Patricia trying to decide what to do with what :-)

Brynn working on her first Sweater. Which is amazing and soft.

Stacy taking a break SLACKER!

Linda showing off her beautiful Irish Hiking Scarf

I don't know what do you think?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Aran Tree Skirt

To keep my mother happy I have started her tree skirt. This may take me to next christmas to make so I mind as well get moving.

I was bad...

SO this weekend was the St Patties Parade in Old Town Alexandria. And Knit Happens being the smart people they are decided to have a sale. Lots of great wool anywhere from %50-90% off. I tried to stay away but certain other members of the Knit Wits forced me to go. So here are the goodies that I got!

I have no idea what I am going to do with any if it but I am sure I can find something!
I got to the register and held my breath for the total... $110 BUT... I saved $298! I think I did good don't you!?

Ok Ladies confession time...send me pics of your goodies and what you have in mind.