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Saturday, May 5, 2007

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

So now that I am a O.C.D knitter. I had to go to the "Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival" I was quick to send Paul a message saying. "I'm in heaven!" Wow! I could have gone nuts! Lot's of vendors selling everything from the sheep to the wool to the needles to the finished products. It was packed! I saw some amazing wools. I kind of decided I really don't need to buy any wool right now as I have enough W.I.P's. But I still wanted to get something. So I got something different. I want to try spinning. I walked past a booth were a woman was demonstrating drop spinning. I watched and asked some questions and was sold. She had spinning starter kits for only $9.50. It included directions some wool and the spindle. So I picked up a kit. I decided I may want to pick up some more wool in case it goes well. So I got this great bag of a dyed funky purple. Picture isn't that great the color is amazing. So will make sure to keep it on the calendar and we need to plan a trip for next year. I saw several knitting groups show up and just sit around and knit and chat.
So I am going to try my hand at spinning.

My purple wool.

She is knitting the wool right off the rabbit! I have never seen that before!
The rabbit seamed happy enough.

I guess a bunny may be easier to keep than sheep!

Aww I want one!


A little music

More booths

Aww arent they cute! Alpaca

My sheep playing in the grass. Sorry had to show my baby!

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