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Thursday, December 2, 2010

So Sad... :-(

So it getting to that point where we are starting to do things to the house and I am feeling the need to get organized. One of the things on my list was organizing the wool. I wanted to take all the good wool and move it to space saver bags to both create more space and protect it. I am going to try and tackle one thing on my list per day.

Thinking it would be the most fun I started with the wool last night. I have two baskets of my cheap yarn that I keep in the living room just because it is nice to have wool around me. I keep the good stuff upstairs in large ziplock bags. I grabbed the two baskets to organize as well as they had got a bit messy. I started into the first basket and TOTAL devastation. Living in our little cabin in the woods has it's downfalls. Bugs. I'm not sure yet what it was but I had little potato bug looking critters eating holes in all the skeins. Fortunately as I said it was all for the most part cheap yarns. The only major upset was my Jitterbug:-(. The second basket was not as bad I took a few skeins that looked untouched and put them in a bag in the freezer. Lesson learned sadly no wool out for my viewing pleasure :-(.

At the same time though it was a bit liberating. A lot those yarns I have no idea what I would have ever done with them. I am now for the most part down to some really nice yarns for some nice projects. So even though a trash bag and a half is going to the dump, I kind of feel like out with the old in with the new. Of coarse there will always be projects that are perfect for a soft acrylic but as a evolved and educated knitter my yarn tastes have evolved as well.

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